Regulatory Guidebooks
Regulatory Guidebooks from BUILD
BUILD regularly publishes industry-leading one-of-a-kind regulatory guides.

Business Start-Up Licenses: A Regulatory Guide
Fifth Edition
This guide is intended for aspiring, new, and veteran entrepreneurs looking to obtain a license/permit/approval/certificate for their businesses. The objective is to provide the entrepreneurs with a step-by-step guide on:
- Who to contact to collect the preparatory information regarding the application
- What supporting documents to collect and collate to prepare the application
- When to pay the associated fees for the application
- Where to submit their application
- How to seek subsequent renewals
The guide concentrates on demonstrating the interaction of the applicant with the issuing agency using the “process map” provided in the guide for each of the licenses, and such other items. Hence, it will help you identify the steps to intervene to speed up the process.
At the same time, it should be realised that there is no hard and fast rule to fast track the process. Consequently, this guide does not furnish definitive ways in which to do it. Each license/permit/approval/certificate has had and will have different overriding challenges. Correctly identifying those challenges and managing those issue forms an integral part of the solution. In such a view, this guide simply looks to serve as a “one-stop information source” on business licensing needs, as well as some practical tips on overcoming some of the challenges.

Fish and Fisheries: Business Start-Up Licenses: A Regulatory Guide
The guidebook has covered the required laws, rules, regulations and licenses to do business within the country. In the case of exporting abroad, it has dealt with the policies to be maintained within the country. It has not included information to do export business beyond border but it has included regulatory requirements engaged in importing. Market access requirements for exporting food and food products are different in different countries based on their national policies and required tariff; non-tariff measures are also different and vary from country to country. The guidebook intended not to include this information.
The guidebook consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 has given short information of sectoral profile, size of the sector, potentials, timelines of the sector, SWOT analysis, exports etc. In chapter 2, the book tried to sketch out a detailed sectoral mapping along with the relevant Laws, Acts, Ordinances & Rules and Regulation of the Fish and Fisheries Sector. Chapter 3 has covered detailed regulatory requirements along with required documents, process steps, fees and process maps. This guide will provide potential investors with a heads-up in the regulatory requirements of doing business in this sector through a compilation of essential business information and their renewal procedures.

Leather and Leather Goods: Business Start-Up Licenses: A Regulatory Guide
The guidebook has covered the critical, required laws, rules, regulations and Licenses to do business within the country. In the case of exporting abroad, it has dealt with the policies to be maintained within the country.
It does not cover cross-border export business but has included regulatory requirements involved in importing. Market access requirements for exporting Leather and Leather Products vary across countries based on respective national policies and required tariff. Non-tariff measures also vary significantly from country to country.
The book has covered 32 licenses required for the leather and leather goods sector with required documentation and process maps which are prepared according to the official norms and regulations and validated with the concerned government organization and officials, but there could be some future changes of these norms which have not been possible to be included in the book. The number of licenses mentioned in the book is not exhaustive; it may face changes in future or even can be reduced.

Pharmaceuticals: Business Start-Up Licenses: A Regulatory Guide
This is a guidebook compiling various licenses, approvals and permits for the pharmaceuticals sector and is published by the Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD) to provide information, guidance and motivation for the aspiring entrepreneurs looking after to set-up and operate businesses in Pharmaceuticals Products of Bangladesh. While best efforts have been given in preparing this publication, BUILD is not offering it as any legal or any other form of professional advice. BUILD makes no representations or warranties and assumes no liabilities of any kind with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents. Neither BUILD shall be held liable or responsible to any person or entity with respect to any loss or incidental or consequential damages caused or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained herein.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means, i.e. graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or any information storage retrieval system, without the written permission of BUILD. The list of information contained herein may not be suitable for every individual or entity. Information in this Book relates to a subject that is regularly changing due to circumstances and legal changes.
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